Search by OEM number is possible by entries in the form of a combination of numbers (1,2,3 ...), other characters - signs and blanks (spaces) can not be used.
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MERCEDES-BENZ :AXOR 1933 (240 kW ; 10/2004 - )
MERCEDES-BENZ :AXOR 1933 S (240 kW ; 01/2011 - )
MERCEDES-BENZ :AXOR 2035 S, 2036 S, LS (260-265 kW ; 01/2011 - )
MERCEDES-BENZ :AXOR 2040 S, 2041 S, 2041 S, 2041 LS (295 kW ; 01/2011 - )
MERCEDES-BENZ :AXOR 2044 S (315 kW ; 01/2011 - )
MERCEDES-BENZ :ZETORS 1833 A (240 kW ; 09/2008 - )
MERCEDES-BENZ :ZETORS 2733 A (240 kW ; 09/2008 - )